Fear of success

Much has been spoken and written about the fear of failure but less about the fear of success.

During a recent coaching conversation, the executive shared he, “doesn’t have the need for, nor values and appreciates positive feedback and is repeatedly told he sells himself short.”

Whilst exploring his belief, he came to see that he feared his success. His deepest fear was that if he or others acknowledged his successes, others would think and label him arrogant. So rather than humbly acknowledge his own successes and strengths, he chose to self-deprecate and undermine himself. Consequently, others assessed he ‘lacked drive, ambition and the confidence in his own ability and potential.’ Nothing could be further from the truth.

Upon reflection, he realised that because he doesn’t place value in receiving positive feedback, he rarely gives it.

After I invited he recraft his belief to better serve him and others, he declared, “I value and appreciate who I am and what I’ve accomplished and acknowledge my own and others success.”

To deeply appreciate oneself and others is to be humble, to believe one is better than is arrogant. As a leader, your choice matters. Choose wisely.


Discipline = M + C


The key to differentiating a leadership group from a leadership team