The power of intimacy in teams
Intimacy is how we welcome others in. The lack of intimacy wards others off. By showing intimacy, we make it safe for others to be and bring their truest self.
Intimacy is about emotional, not personal proximity – it’s about the permission we give ourselves to acknowledge and share our feelings, concerns, joys and aspirations.
Over the past two years, I’d had the privilege of working with an executive leadership team who have committed to transition from being a ‘floundering group’ to become a ‘flourishing team.’
To help with their transition, one habit they’ve adopted is the “check-in” before each monthly exec team meeting. Before the start of their meeting, each share their reflections on:
Today, I am feeling …….. because…………..
Something I’d like to share that’s happening outside of work is……..
My greatest focus in the coming month will be……….
I’m proud of/want to call out (who/why/what)………..
In addition, they reaffirm their commitment to the team’s values:
We speak our truth.
We do the right thing -play above-the-line.
We be present.
We value differences.
We trust our judgment – we take considered risk.
We own it.
We see it through.
How might a similar habit enable your team to shift to become a more, high performing, collaborative team?
You’ll never know unless you give it a go. There’s only upside.