Criticism is a veiled wish
It’s natural when others criticise you to react defensively, especially if you assume they intend to undermine or disrespect your sense of worth and value.
Dominator vs Elevator
Dominators try to be the smartest in the team, elevators make the team smarter.
Team Building, Team Development or Team Coaching?
A CEO recently contacted me to ask if I could help with a “team building” experience to get the “team to work better together.”
Nurturing the garden of talent
Below’s a picture of my garden taken in 2017 which recently popped up in my Google feed. Next to it is my garden today, 7 years later.
Are you wasting time in meetings?
Are your days filled with back-to-back meetings that waste time because decisions aren’t made and nor do they bring the team closer together?
Over the 25 years as an executive and team coach, I’ve come to recognise 3 things that distinguish high performing leaders and teams. They master, what I call, the three ‘instruments of leadership.’
To lead your team to flourish
To lead your team to flourish, you first need to allow yourself to flourish.
2024- Year of the Team
As 2023 draws to a close, I want to thank all the exceptional leaders and executive teams I’ve had the privilege to work with this year.
Discussing the undiscussables
One of the most distinguishing attributes between teams that flounder and teams that flourish, is their capacity and courage to discuss the undiscussables.