
Scaling Leadership Program

Effective leaders out-perform ineffective leaders, every time
— — Bob Anderson

The Scaling Leadership Program unleashes the unrealised leadership potential distributed across the organisation. In the interconnected and interdependent world of work, everyone, everywhere, all the time must lead. Scaling leadership inspires leaders and team members to think and interact in new ways to create a leadership culture that is the ultimate competitive advantage.


 Organisations that scale leadership benefit by:

  • developing a deeper quality of and diversity in their leadership bench strength

  • enabling succession by having the right leaders at the right time

  • enhancing the employment experience by all being able to realise their potential

  • retaining and attracting the quality of talent needed to succeed

  • creating a motivated environment where all are able to become more of their best

To scale leadership, learning needs to focus on the ‘whole leader' so they develop greater agility, resilience, and adaptability in leading through uncertainty and change.

The Scaling Leadership Program develops leadership capacity and capability by addressing the 3 leadership tenets:

Tenet 1: RELEVANCE – to inspire with purpose and have greater fulfilment and impact.

Tenet 2: RELATIONSHIPS – to rise on the quality of their working relationships

Tenet 3: RESULTS – to secure others' cooperation and commitment to do great work


Optional Virtual Masterclasses (virtual or in person)

How to discuss the undiscussables

Conversations are the lifeblood of effective working relationships. 

What is and is not said in conversations, how it is said and how it is listened to, are crucial for how efficiently and effectively leaders and teams perform. The quality of the conversational networks is a major determinant of the team’s morale, performance and productivity.

Conversations which do not generate new insights, innovative practices, effective actions and positive results are unproductive; they create and perpetuate costly communication breakdowns and waste. 

The “Discussing the undiscussables’ workshop helps leaders to: 

  • Understand why they get stuck in difficult conversations

  • Design conversations that promote learning and commitment to action

  • State their views in ways others are held with respect and legitimacy

  • Ask questions that shift others’ perspectives and moves things forward

  • Confidently and constructively manage discussing the undiscussable

Download a detailed brochure on this virtual workshop

Contact us to request a complimentary PDF copy of A guide to discussing the undiscussables

Why moods matter

We are biologically, inescapably emotional beings. Everything we do is because of the mood we are in. 

Whilst we cannot control our moods, we can manage our moods. We can shift our moods to predispose us to behaviours and action that would better serves us and others.

The ‘Why Moods Matter’ workshop benefits leaders by helping them to: 

  • Develop greater awareness of the impact of their moods.

  • Understand how moods create ‘spaces of possibilities’.

  • Build greater resilience by living from resourceful moods.

  • Develop self-reliance to shift one’s mood to better serve others.

  • Build greater self-confidence do deal with uncertainty and change.

Download a detailed brochure on this virtual workshop

Contact us to request a complimentary PDF copy of A guide to why moods matter

How to coordinate action

The essence of work is about coordinating action – it’s about securing others’ cooperation and commitment to get done what is needed. Work is about making requests and managing commitments. 

On average, how many requests do you make of others and others of you a day? Anything from 50 plus, is typical. More important than the number of requests, is to reflect on what percentage of your requests are effectively met? Most leaders say between 50-60% of the time.

Imagine the consequences of 40-50% of requests not being satisfactorily met – the costs associated with the wasted time and effort of having to repeat the request and others redo the work. 

A ‘sloppy request’ will always get a ‘slippery commitment’.

Click the link below to listen to a recording of the webinar on how to avoid the pitfalls of ‘sloppy requests and slippery commitments.’

Also, please download your free copy of the Guide on how to coordinate action and secure greater cooperation and commitment from others. The Guide also includes an overview of the virtual workshop on how to avoid sloppy requests and slippery commitments.  

Download a detailed brochure on this virtual workshop

Contact us to request a complimentary PDF copy of A guide to how to coordinate action

How to lead in uncertainty

Not accepting the normality of uncertainty invites we live in greater fear and anxiety. Accepting the normality of uncertainty opens us up to a world of possibilities. This is not to say things get easier, they just become more possible.

As we ride life’s continuous ‘waves of uncertainty’, our greatest opportunity is to replace our fear with courage and uncertainty with confidence.

Courage is about leaning into what is possible, despite the challenges and difficulties that exist. Confidence is not about the lack of fear, but the triumph over it.

The “Leading in Uncertainty” workshop helps leaders to:

  • Understand why we get stuck in fear and anxiety in times of uncertainty

  • Shift your state to accept what you cannot change

  • Develop greater confidence and courage to see things differently to access new possibilities

  • Avoid burnout by focusing your energy and attention to what you can influence and change  

Download a detailed brochure on this virtual workshop

Contact us to request a complimentary PDF copy of A guide to how to lead in uncertainty

 Let’s Discuss

To discuss how the Scaling Leadership Program could unleash the unrealised leadership potential and develop leaders others choose to follow, please call me +61 414 654 437 or email me at
