Team Coach

It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and rare.
— Patrick Lencioni

Effective teams outperform effective leaders, every time. Teams achieve what no other entity can.  

The Team Better Together Program unlocks the power in teams to access the collective capacity and capability to achieve the greatest things possible.

Benefits of the program

 Teams that have participated in the program, claim they:

  • Spend half the time and energy focused on reacting to tactical issues and double the time and energy focused on the strategic and transformational imperatives

  • Double the level of trust team members have in each other 

  • Halve the time wasted in unproductive meetings

  • Double the level of productivity and quality of output from team meetings

  • Feel safe to speak more of their truth - twice as much is spoken about than unspoken

  • Operate at more than the sum of its parts for more of the time – they flourish more than flounder 

  • Double the levels of team member engagement as a team

  • Team achievements are recognised more than individual accomplishments

High performing, collaborative teams distinguish themselves by their commitment to embed these 5 disciplines:

Discipline 1: DISCOVERY – they know and understand their stakeholders’ mandate

Discipline 2: DECLARE – they are unified by a common shared purpose

Discipline 3: DESIGN – they build quality working relationships

Discipline 4: DELIVER – they hold themselves accountable to the team’s collective goals

Discipline 5: DEVELOP – they are always learning with and from one another

To find out more about how the Team Better Together Program enables teams to transition to become collaborative, flourishing teams, simply call on ‭+61 414 654 437‬ or email me and let’s make some time to meet.

Bernard’s book, published in 2021, provides an in-depth perspective on what’s required to maximise team performance. Bernard also explains how the 5 disciplines are key to teaming better together.

It’s available for purchase in the shop.
