Awe of leadership

Last week on my first business trip to Melbourne for 2022, I had 20minutes to spare before my next coaching client meeting. I found a shaded park nearby to sit and collect my thoughts.

The next minute a family of four Indian Minor birds popped out of the hedge; the parents and their two chicks. After foraging in the grass, one parent flew-off, I assumed in search for food.

A short while later, the bird returned with a juicy green locust and was welcomed by two shrieking chicks excited about the coming feast. I wondered how the bird would distribute the insect so both chicks could feed. The parent then squeezed the insect and broke it in half and gave each chick their portion.

In awe of nature’s leadership, I reflected on the leadership lessons I had been gifted from this bird. 

The three leadership lessons I took:

1.     Leaders eat last – true leaders are selfless

2.     Leaders play fair – they always do the right thing by others

3.     Leaders grow leaders – as a priority they nurture, grow and care for others.

The next time you go for a walk or a run, look to see what leadership lessons you could learn from nature. You need only to see, and you will learn.    

Take care



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