Fear + Futility = Culture Killers

A sure sign of a troubled team culture is when team members fear challenging each other and feel it pointless to do so.

The two most important questions team members need to ask themselves:

  1. Do I feel safe to speak up or challenge the way things are done?

  2. As a result of speaking up, do I feel confident something will happen?

In a state of fear, team members find safety in silence. Living in fear of the consequences of speaking one’s truth leaves all to assume what others’ think and feel. A recipe for failure.

Believing it futile to speak up and challenge the status quo, elicits a mood of resignation. In resignation, team members feel helpless and believe it to be hopeless to seize opportunities and effect change.

To create a team culture for all to feel safe and lean into possibilities, here three things you could do:

  1. Respect your truth – the most disrespectful thing you can do to yourself is to silence your truth. Respect you see things differently. That doesn’t mean your truth is ‘better’ or ‘’matters more’. Learning happens when we share and consider differing points of view.

  2. State your intentions – the reason we remain silent is we fear others will challenge or reject our ‘position’. Rather than start by declaring your position, state your intentions. When others understand your intentions serve everyone’s interests, you create the space for others to listen and consider your views. Rather than try secure other’s agreement with your views, ensure their understanding.

  3. Stay in a mood of possibility – when we are open to accept what can change, we shift into a mood of possibility and open ourselves and others to explore, engage and experiment. A mood of possibility does not make things easier, rather it opens up a world of possibility.    

Remember, no one can make it safe for you to speak your truth. Respect your truth – it matters to you and could to others.


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Discipline = M + C