
In my recent newsletters I wrote about two of the three ‘instruments’ of leadership that exceptional leaders master; INTENTION and INTIMACY.

The third ‘instrument’ is IMPACT. The word is derived from the Latin word, “impingene” which means ‘to drive or manifesting a great effect’. 

Leaders that IMPACT bring about new possibilities. Through the relevance of their intentions, the intimacy of their relationships, they achieve results that positively affect others.

Leaders who master the ‘instrument’ of impact:

  1. Instil belief – they create the belief in what’s possible. They enthuse optimism. They see possibilities in opportunities. They look to what’s ahead of them rather than be overwhelmed by what’s in front of them.

  2. Are determined – they focus their energy, attention, and action on what has greatest impact. All they do is with the intention to add value and make a difference to others. Nothing derails them from fulfilling their purpose and serving a cause greater than themselves.  

  3. Stay curious – they have an insatiable thirst for learning. They seek and listen for the learning in feedback. They see mistakes as their greatest teachers. Above all, they unlearn, are open to be influenced and to shift their beliefs. Their curiosity makes them relevant.  

Teams flourish because the leaders flourish. To help your team transition to become a more high performing team, create the opportunity for your team members to master the three ‘instruments’ of leadership.


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