Stop the meeting madness

How much of your time and energy is wasted in ineffective meetings?

Leaders I work with, on average, claim to spend 70% of their time and energy in meetings. More concerning is their claim that 50% of these meetings are ineffective!

Imagine the direct and indirect costs of wasting 15 hours a week in ineffective meetings. It’s no wonder levels of stress and burn-out are as high as they are.  

Flourishing teams make meetings matter:

  1. They know the purpose of and the agenda for each meeting

  2. They know what outcomes are sought from the meeting

  3.  Most important, they come prepared to contribute 

Floundering teams, on the other hand, meet for the sake of it:

  1. They show-up to meetings confused about why, what and who

  2. They spend half the time deliberating about the agenda

  3. They leave the meeting feeling frustrated and demoralised by inaction  

Next time you’re invited to a meeting with no purpose nor agenda and confused about what  you are expected to contribute, respectfully decline. If you don’t value your time, no one else will.


Leading in uncertainty


To be destructively content or constructively discontent