Leading in uncertainty

Lockdowns in 2020 were bad, but in 2021 they’re worse.

That all said, if we come to think about it, the only certainty is uncertainty.

Life has and always will call on us to deal with unanticipated interruptions and interferences to our habitual routines and rhythms of life.

For most of the time, our existing knowledge and experience enables us to deal with the daily challenges we face. But occasionally, our existing knowledge and experience are insufficient, and we need to look to new and different domains of learning to guide us. Hello COVID19.

To lead in uncertainty, our ability to access greater levels of resourcefulness is largely determined by whether we accept or oppose the normality of uncertainty.

Oppose uncertainty

When we oppose the normality of uncertainty, we risk living in greater fear of what we can’t control or predict. In fear our energy and attention is directed to protecting us from harms way.

When we oppose certainty, we do not see nor accept what is possible. We look to the world through a lens of futility. In a state of futility we resign ourselves to be the victims and not the architects of our circumstances.

Accept uncertainty

When we accept only what is certain, we live in a world of fantasy. The world is not perfect and when we believe it is, we detach ourselves from reality and live in fantasy.

Only when we accept the normality of uncertainty, we open ourselves to a world of possibility. In our curiosity and wonder we are open to explore new and different possibilities. We flourish. When we flourish, things don’t get easier, they become more possible.

If you are feeling like things are getting on top of you, take a break, be kind to yourself and join me on the How to Lead in Uncertainty virtual masterclass to be held on 13 August from 10h00 – 11h30. My intention is that you will come away with a plan and see new possibilities to lead with greater confidence and courage by knowing:

  1. How to shift to lead from a mood of wonder and curiosity and access deeper levels of resourcefulness.

  2. How to make it safe for yourself and others to share concerns and access the collective capacity and capability to find new ways to deal with current challenges.

  3. How to claim more of your greatness with courage and confidence.


Recognition vs Appreciation


Stop the meeting madness