The game of “with or against”

Identity politics plays the game of, ‘either with OR against’. So do floundering teams.
Teams flounder because the members exert power over one another rather than with one another. They position themselves either ‘with or against’ each other.
High performing teams that flourish, play a different game. They play the game of ‘with AND against’ each other.
Flourishing teams are always ‘with’ each other – they share a common, unifying purpose and align to common performance goals that can only be achieved, working interdependently.
Flourishing teams are also ‘against’ each other. They see value and learning in their differences. They continuously challenge each other to explore new ways of thinking and better ways of doing. 

Flourishing teams play the ‘with AND against’ game by:

  1. Respecting each other – they value the differences each bring.

  2. Taking responsibility for their own and each other’s learning, growth, and success.

  3. Collaborating to do great work, no individual nor group can.

Rather than assess others to be ‘with OR against’ you, invite they be ‘with AND against’ you. Then, be open to the possibilities that arise.   


The “active” in active listening


The 5 Disciplines of a high-performing team