The power of smart questions

The wisest answers come from the smartest questions.

As a team coach, to help sustain the team’s momentum to achieve lasting positive change, it’s essential the team be held in and reflect on powerful questions. 

For a team to transition to become more of a high performing, collaborative team, they need to embed the 5 disciplines that distinguish flourishing teams. 

Most important, to sustain a high performing team cadence requires teams routinely ask themselves the following and observe their collective insights:

Discipline 1: To discover our mandate 
How have our stakeholders’ mandate changed? How will we know?

Discipline 2: To declare our purpose 
What cause greater than ourselves is now most important we serve? How aligned is the team to this common purpose?

Discipline 3: To design our culture
What needs to change in how we engage and relate together? What experience do we want others to have with/from us? 

Discipline 4: To deliver our results 
What GREAT work are we now called to deliver? What collective performance goals are the team accountable for? 

Discipline 5: To develop our learning
What did we learn today, that will help us tomorrow? What parts of ‘old normal’ do we not want as part of the ‘new normal’?

At your next team meeting, make time to reflect on the above – you never know what learning may happen. Also invite the team to do the quick Team Quiz and discover which team types best describes your team and what it could take to team better together.  


We behave as we treated


To know is to not know