Touch your potential (part 2)

To be a leader, is to be a learner. To learn is to touch your potential.

Here 3 ways to help you access more of your potential and lead with greater impact:

  1. Seek more advice and less feedback – both are important modes of learning, but seeking others’ advice has two significant benefits. First, it signals to others you value learning from them and appreciate their contribution. Second, advice is usually more future-focused – it moves us towards a desired outcome. Feedback usually focuses on past omissions – what you could have done, you didn’t.

  2. Add ‘yet’ to your self-limiting beliefs – we are always in assessment of and about ourselves. Often these assessments are self-limiting; “I’m not experienced enough” or “I’m not good enough”. Carl Dweck, suggested we add the word, ‘yet’ after each self-limiting belief. See what difference it makes when you change your belief to, “I’m not experienced enough, yet.” Observe how it opens you to possibilities to gain the necessary experience.

  3. Reveal more than conceal – give yourself unconditional permission to reveal more of your truth. When we conceal, we withdraw. When we withdraw, we’re predisposed to look to blame others and find excuses and reasons things can’t or didn’t happen. When we reveal, we connect and when we connect to own. We take greater ownership for our thoughts, feelings, and actions.


How could you touch more of your potential? Start by teaching these 3 ideas to others.

What we teach, we become.


The art of conversation


The (unspoken) secrets of success