Where are you from?

Despite having lived in Australia for 23 years, I’m often asked where I’m from. This may have something to do with my accent!

I always have to think twice about how to respond. Do they want to know where I live, where I was born, what’s my citizenship, what’s my heritage – each has a different answer.

I recently listened to a podcast conversation with Zita Cobb, who was born in NewFoundland off the east coast of Canada, and she mentioned that people from NewFoundland, don’t ask others where they are from, rather, ‘where do they belong?’. Similarly, many aboriginal communities ask, ‘who are your people?’. 

These questions acknowledge that a person's identity and sense of belonging are shaped by many factors beyond their place of birth or current residence.

I realised, like these communities, members of high performing teams, share a deep sense of ‘where they belong’ and strongly connected to ‘who their people are’. 

By recognizing and celebrating these connections, teams build a stronger sense of community and foster a shared sense of purpose that drives their success.

The next time someone asks you about your team, think about where you ‘belong’ and who ‘your people’ are. The answer may surprise you!

Take care.



How you can flourish


What has shaped you?