10:60:30 Meeting Cadence

Based on the reaction to and interest in an earlier newsletter, I thought it would help to expand on 10:60:30 structure I proposed to make meetings matter.

By way of context, based on my research and an analysis of the results of the 5 Disciplines of High Performing Teamsassessment the lowest scoring indicator is: “Team members leave meetings feeling more focused, supported and energised.”

Besides the direct costs associated with unproductive and unnecessary meetings, of greater concern is their contribution to the unprecedented levels of stress, burnout, and frustration.

To take back control and make meetings matter, I invite you commit to adopt a 10:60:30 structure to ALL meetings:

Inform : 10

Give no more than 10% of the meeting time to informing each other of what’s important. There are other far more effective and efficient ways to sharing information other than in meetings. Before the meeting, point team members to what they need to read, know, and understand. 

Collaborate : 60

Give 60% of the time to sharing ideas, exploring alternative options, debating differing opinions. High performing teams collaborate – they access the collective wisdom by caringly and respectfully conflicting, challenging and criticising one another’s thinking, ideas, and proposals. Collaboration dances with difference. Collaborative teams create the space for all to contribute, to be listened to and be understood. Collaboration enables commitment.

Decide : 30

Give 30% of the time to move towards a decision all team members are ready to accept and commit to deliver. When team members contribute their ideas and feel listened to and understood, they are more likely to commit to a decision they may not necessarily agree with. Always leave a meeting with an agreed commitment, all accept accountability for. 

To make meetings a time and place all want to be part of, structure the meeting agenda based on the 10:60:30 ratio – you’ll be amazed at what will happen. 


5 Truths about effective leaders


Attachments and Aversions