Attachments and Aversions

Our attention and energy are directed to either what we move towards (attachments) or what we move away from (aversions).

In our blindness to our attachments and aversions, we are unaware of our habits that drive unwanted behaviours and have unintended consequences.

During a recent executive coaching conversation, the executive observed his attachment to others validation and approval which resulted in him giving authority to others to determine what he thought about himself. When others praised him, he felt good about himself and when others criticised him, he took it personally and felt deflated and questioned his worthiness.

Another executive coachee observed her aversion to conflict which resulted in her avoiding the ‘difficult conversations’ which contributed to others’ persistent performance issues and suboptimal results.

I invite you take a moment and bring your attention to the attachments and aversions you have which lead to habits and behaviours you don’t want.

Then, commit to cultivate habits that would lead to behaviours and outcomes that best serve you and others.

Now practice, practice, and practice those habits.

May you flourish



10:60:30 Meeting Cadence


Positivity vs Optimism