Why function when you can flourish?

We can’t see what we can’t distinguish. The distinctions between functioning and flourishing teams are subtle but significant.

Here are 3 key distinctions:

  1. Harmony vs Honesty – functioning teams typically avoid conflict fearing it destabilises relationships. They fall into the ‘harmony trap’ preferring to maintain the peace at the expense of being honest and speaking their truth. Flourishing teams embrace conflict. They understand that collaboration dances with conflict. Flourishing teams demonstrate caring conflict, essential to explore alternative ways of thinking and doing.  

  2. Agreement vs Acceptance – functioning teams focus their energy on securing each other’s agreement through compromise and consensus. Flourishing teams direct their energy towards accepting each other’s diverse and opposing perspectives. They create the space to safely share their differences. Because of feeling heard and understood, team members are more open to accepting a decision they may not necessarily agree with.

  3. Destructive content vs constructive discontent – because functioning teams value harmony and conform to ‘keep the peace’, they risk being destructively content by saying, ‘yes’ when they mean ‘no’. Flourishing teams lean into constructive discontent; they default to look to new and better ways of doing things. They never accept the status quo and create constructive tension to expand their boundaries of thinking and access new possibilities.

My fascination in what it takes for teams to flourish, led me to write my latest book - Team Better Together

To learn more about the distinctions between the 4 Types of Teams have a read and assess which type is more typical of your team.   

Take care



My story I’ve never shared


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